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THE ANALYSIS OF HASHING ALGORITHMS BY LEONIDAS J. GUIBAS CSL-76-3 JULY 1976 ' See abstract on next page. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES algorithmic analysis, arithmetic progression, hashing, information storage and retrieval, generating function, recurrence relation, Farey series, clustering, hypergeometric distribution, table overflow CR CATEGORIES 3.74, 5.24, 5.25, 5.30 XEROX PALO ALTO RESEARCH CENTER 3333 COYOTE HILL ROAD / PALO ALTO / CALIFORNIA 94304 ABSTRACT In this thesis we relate the performance of hashing algorithms to the notion of clustering, that is the pile-up phenomenon that occurs because many keys may probe the table locations in the same sequence. We will say that a hashing technique exhibits k-ary clustering if the search for a key begins with k independent random probes and the subsequent sequence of probes is completely determined by the location of the k initial probes. Such techniques may be very bad; for instance, the average number of probes necessary for insertion may grow linearly with the table size. However, on the average (that is if the permutations describing the method are randomly chosen), k-ary clustering techniques for k) 1 are very good. In fact the average performance is asymptotically equivalent to the performance of uniform probing, a method that exhibits no clustering and is known to be optimal in a certain sense. Perharps the most famous among tertiary clustering techniques is double hashing, the method in which we probe the hash table along arithmetic progressions where the initial element and the increment of the progression are chosen randomly and independently depending only on the key K of the search. We prove that double hashing

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