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Now downloading free:xerox 19791208 NoteTaker2 Electronics Changes

xerox 19791208 NoteTaker2 Electronics Changes free download

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XERO*-- PALO ALTO RESEARCH CENTER Systems Science Laboratory LSI Systems Area December 8, 1979 For Xerox Internal Use Only To: Distribution From: Doug Fairbairn ::)ubject: NoteTaker2 Electronics Changes stored: (fairbairn> NT2ElectronicsChanges.memo We are about to start on the redesign of the electronics for NoteTaker2. T have identified a number of areas which I feel changes are called for and those are outlined below. I want to stimulate somc lively but short-tenn discussion. 'rVe need to settle these issues as soon as possible so the detailed design can proceed. The ideas will be presented and discussed with the SPG personnel on Monday, Dec. lOth. During the week of the 17th, I would like the interested parties in LRG to get together with the SPG people and work out the details. I am targeting the end of the year as discussion cut- off time. After that there will be a strong resistance to any substantive changes. We will publish the results of our discussions in El Segundo and everyone should feel free to let their opinions be known on any of these issues. Architecture 11le major changes in this area involve the structure of the 110 system and the protocols on the System Bus. Before I get into the details let me review the overall state of the system. The machine has 9 board slots, all of which are wired the same. The proposed "standard configuration" is as follows: ",.L Processor module (2) - 8086 processor, 12K bytes of EPROM or RAM. 111ese can be ~ .;

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