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MICROWAVE NETWORK ANALYSIS APPLICATIONS: NEW SOLUTIONS FOR OLDER CHALLENGES Henri Komrij Network Mealurementl Divilion 1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa ROIS, California 95401 RF & Microwave Measurement Symposium and Exhibition Flin- HEWLETT a:~ PACKARD rk analys is ABST RACT : This paper describes the develo pment of new netwo measu remen t systems and techni ques that can be applie d to such divers e areas as millim etric-w ave measu remen ts, in-fixt ure device charac terizat ions, freque ncy-tr anslat ion , device testing. and antenn a-patt ern measu rements. System config uratio ns are develo ped rds and accur acy and described. Includ ed are discussions of new calibr ation standa enhan cemen t techni ques that provid e substa ntial impro vemen ts in measu remen t accura cy. kard Netwo rk AUTH OR: Henri B. Komri~ Applic ations Engineer. Hewle tt-Pac in electri cal Measu remen t Division, Santa Rosa, CA. He received a BS degree 1985. With HP since engine ering from the Unive rsity of Califo rnia at Los Angeles in netwo rk analyzer!l 1985, he has suppo rled applic atiom for [he HP 8510 and HP 8753 and the HP 8757 scalar analyz er. -2- Microwave network analysi~ has evolved significalllly over the past twenty years. The latest development is Hewlen-Packcud's 85 J OB network analyzer. This paper will describe the contributions of the HP 85 J OB both in performance and in measurement accuracy. Also presented will be new techniques made possible by the advances of the HP 8510B for measuring components. antennas, and non-eoaxial dc\'ices. "New Levels of Performance and

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