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MITSUBISHI tfs6705 free download

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X-RADIATION WARNING The surface of picture tube may generate X-Radiation. Precaution during servicing, and if possible use of a lead apron or metal for shielding is recommended. To avoid possible exprosuer to X-Radiation and electrical shock hazard, the high voltage compartment and the picture tube shield must be kept in place whenever the chassis is in operation. When replacing picture tube use only designated replacement part since it is a critical component with regard to X-Radiation as noted above. CRITICAL COMPONENT REPLACEMENT WARNING 0 The components marked "A " are critical components for X-ray radiation. When replacing these parts, use exactly the same one indicated in parts list. 0 Please do not remove the seal of sealed potentiometer. l The components stated below are no field serviceable parts. If broken, please contact with qualified personnel of Mitsubishi Electric Corp. or the distributor which indicated on name plate. VR601 (HV-ADJ) VR602 (HV-PROTEC) T601 (FBT) CAUTION " In the product, metal plates and heatsinks located near fan are used for connection of safety ground. Same type of screw and washer must be used for safety connection, and should confirm for providing them." TFS6705 APR. 1992 2 -. . CONTENTS Page 1. SPECIFICATION ________________________________________--- 4 2.CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ______________________________ 5 3. ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE --------------------- 16 4. EXPLODED VIEW ________________________________________-- 19 5. SCHEMATICDIAGRAM _______________________________ 20 . --* . . .- TFS6705 APR. 1992 3 IC201 fw93B04scR R2R3 1/4W 158 R2R0 7s + 2SC4693 02G0

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