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Now downloading free:IBM SY34-0091-1 Series 1 Common Features Theory Diagrams Nov79

IBM SY34-0091-1 Series 1 Common Features Theory Diagrams Nov79 free download

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---- - - ---- - -..-- -~- -- - - - - --- - ----- ---- -.. -~- - .. Series/1 SY34-0091 -1 IBM Series/1 Common Features Theory Diagrams Preface This manual describes the IBM Series/1 common are given for descriptive purposes only, and must not features, a group of attachment features that be used for machine problem analysis. Cable communicate directly with the Series/1 processor via connector information, voltage levels, and pin the II 0 channel. Also described are three unit numbers are listed in the engineering-generated and devices that extend the capabilities of the Series/1 engineering-change-controlled documentation shipped family of processors. with each machine. This manual is designed to be used in classrooms for instructing maintenance personnel in the theory of Related Publications operation of the Series/1 common features. It may IBM Series/1 processors and associated devices are also be used as a self-study or reference document in described in separate maintenance publications. the field. These publications are shipped from the plant of The presentation level of this manual is oriented to origin and accompany the device. the field replaceable unit (FRU). Diagrams are Refer to the IBM Series/l Graphic Bibliography, high-level block-flow that show only the major units GA34-00SS, for a complete listing and description of within a FRU. Signal lines and power lines between all IBM Series/1 publications. FRUs are described. Voltage levels and pin numbers Second Edition (November 1979) This is a major revision of and obsoletes SY34-0091-0. The primary change is the addition of Chapter 11, "Series/l-S2S0 Information Display System Attachment Feature." This publication contains information relating the certain feature attachments that are common to the Series/1 family of processors. With the exceptions of Chapters 1, 10, and 11, which were written for this document, this information was previously contained in the IBM 4953 Processor and Processor Features Theory Diagrams manual and the IBM 4955 Processor and Processor Features Theory Diagrams manual, SY34-0042 and SY34-0041, respectively. Use this publication only for the purpose stated in the Preface. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; any such changes will be reported in sub seq uent revisions or Technical N

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