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TM 9-6625-2467-15 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR'S, ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE MANUAL (INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS) SPECTRUM ANALYZER (TEKTRONIX, INC. MODEL 491) (6625-494-2937) HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY DECEMBER 1969 WARNING HIGH VOLTAGE is used in the operation of this equipment. DEATH ON CONTACT may result if personnel fail to observe safety precautions. Learn the areas containing high voltage in each piece of equipment. Be careful not to contact high-voltage or 115-volt ac input connections when installing or operating this equipment. Before working inside the equipment, turn power off and ground points of high potential before touching them. This manual contains copyright material reproduced by permission of TEKTRONIX, Inc. TM 9-6625-2467-15 TECHNICAL MANUAL ) HEADQUARTERS ) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. 9-6625-2467-15 ) Washington, D.C., 15 December 1969 SPECTRUM ANALYZER (TEKTRONIX, INC. MODEL 491) (6625-494-2937) CONTENTS Section 1 Characteristics Section 2 Operating Instructions Section 3 Circuit Description Section 4 Maintenance Section 5 Performance Check Section 6 Calibration Abbreviations and Symbols Section 7 Electrical Parts List Mechanical Parts List Information Section 8 Mechanical Parts List Section 9 Diagrams Mechanical Parts List Illustrations Accessories APPENDIX A. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST B. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART C. REPAIR PARTS LIST Abbreviations and symbols used in this manual are based on or taken directly from IEEE Stand- ard 260 "Standard Symbols for Units", MIL- STD-12B and other standards of the electronics industry. i Fig. 1-1. The Type 491 Spectrum Analyzer. i i

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