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Now downloading free:xerox 19791126 Programming the Display Controller CRT5027

xerox 19791126 Programming the Display Controller CRT5027 free download

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Xj llQnV I' W-\'vA PALO ALTO RESEARCH CENTER Systems Science Laboratory LSI Systems Area November 26, 1979 For Xerox Internal Usc Only To: N oteTaker Programmers From: Doug Fairbairn Subject: Programming the Display Controller (CRT5027) stored: Disp iayContro llerProgramming. bravo The display controller is normally programmed into one of two states: driving 525 line monitors (usually internal) and driving AHo sLyle monilors. The proper programming informatiun for these two modes is given belowo Summarizing the basic parameters: Parameter 521 lines 853 lines Bit clock 12 Mhz. 18 Mhz. Bit time 83.3 ns. 55.55 ns Line Time 64.0 usec. 39.555 ns Bits/line 640 576 Active lines/frame 480 784 Address Data/521 Data/853 What it does 01011111 (5FH) 01010111 (57H) Horizontal line count register. Total characters/line = N + 1. N(521)=95 N(853)=87 1 I 1110 I 010 (F2H) 1 I 1001 I III (CFH) Interlace bit I horizontal sync width I Horizontal sync delay Interlace (521/853) = 1 Width(521)= 14 chars.x666.64ns=9.33 usee. Width(853)=9 chars. x 444.44ns=4.0 usec. Delay~521) = 2 char. x 666.64ns. = 1.33 us. De1ay,853)=7 char. x 444.44ns=3.l1 usee. X 11111 I 101 (7DH) X I 1101 1100 (6CH) Scan lines/ data row (N + 1) I characters/data row 2 Scan lines ('::21) = 15

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