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Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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Composite Video or S-Video Monitor input Audio Signal Generator Figure 2. 321 Console Test Setup Diagram SPDIF converter dB meter Audio, Optical converter SPDIF Audio output or Optical input 23 IBM compatible +15V PC Console DC power test cable 3-2-1 Console TAP cable DC power supply RF input RF Signal Generator Audio signal generator Bass module Distortion test cable meter dB meter Bass Module AC mains cable Figure 3. 321 Bass Module Test Setup Diagram Driver 1 + terminal Driver 2 + terminal Driver 1 - terminal Driver 2 - terminal Figure 4. 321 and 321 GS Satellite Speaker Wiring Diagram 24 TEST PROCEDURES Console Procedures 2.2 Connect the output of the S/PDIF con- verter to the VIDEO 1 coaxial digital input. CAUTION: The DVD drive mechanism should not be closed by pushing it shut with no power 2.3 Apply a 500 mV, 1 kHz signal to the applied to the console. Doing so could damage analog input of the S/PDIF converter. the drive. It must be closed with power applied so that the locking mechanism inside the drive 2.4 On the console, select the VIDEO 1 will engage properly when the drawer is source. closed. 2.5 Measure the output level at the line Equipment required: outputs on the console rear panel. It should be 300 mVrms + 10%. Audio signal generator Digi

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