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Now downloading free:burroughs 5000854 B6700 Timings Feb75

burroughs 5000854 B6700 Timings Feb75 free download

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(RELA TIVE TO MARK 11.6 RELEASE) $4.00 Printed in U.S. America 2-75 5000854 COPYRIGHT @ 1975 BURROUGHS CORPORATION Burroughs believes that the information described in this manual is accurate and reliable, and much care has been taken in its preparation. However, no responsibility, financial or otherwise, is accepted for any consequencesarising out of the use of this material. The information contained herein is subject to change. Revisions may be issued to advise of such changes and/or additions. A 5000854 Burroughs -B 6700 System Timings Section 1 Construct timings do not, by themselves, convey a great deal of knowledge about performance. They represent only one set of characteristics out of many that must be considered. Nevertheless, they can be very useful. They are more informative, for example, than the more primitive indicators such as clock rate or memory speed. and they are reasonably unambiguous. The "add time" of a computer may mean different things to different people. How- ever, "A=B+-C" denotes an amount of work done, whether on a particular machine which involves a polish string or a three-address fixed-lengt,h instruction. Construct timings should be useful to the programmer who wants to understand how to write more efficient code. Knowing the relative speeds involved when choices present themselves is of obvious benefit. The data in this document are actual measured timings. They were obtained by means of programs especially designed for this purpose, taking into account the following: Timing Method FORTRAN: The TIME (11) function was used to read the time of day register. Since this function in FORTRANcalls an MCP intrinsic, one must consider the time involved to do this (about 80 us on a B 6700 5.0/ 10.0 processor

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