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Now downloading free:motorola 1468705F2 May85

motorola 1468705F2 May85 free download

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MOTOROLA - SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA IMC1468705F21 Advance Information 8-Bit EPROM Microcomputer Unit The MCl468705F2 Microcomputer Unit (MCU) is an EPROM member of the Ml46805 CMOS Family of low-cost, single-chip microcomputers. The user programmable EPROM allows program changes and lower volume applications in comparison to the factory mask programmable versions. The EPROM versions also reduce the development costs and turnaround time for prototype evaluation of the mask ROM versions. This 8-bit microcom- puter contains an on-chip oscillator, a CPU, RAM, EPROM, self-programming bootstrap CASE 719 ROM, 110, and a timer. CERAMIC In addition to power-saving STOP and WAIT modes, fully static design allows operation at frequencies down to dc, further reducing its already low power consumption. It is a low-power processor designed for low-end to mid-range applications in the consumer, automotive, industrial, and communications markets where very low power consumption is an important factor. PIN ASSIGNMENT The following are the major features of the MCl468705F2 EPROM MCU. RESET Voo Hardware Features IRQ TIMER

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