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LOW NOISE OSCILLATOR DESIGN ROGER MUAT and ART UPHAM RF & Microwave Measurement Symposium and Exhibition . LOW NOISE OSCILLATOR DESIGN I. Spectral Purity A. What is spectral purity in oscillators? B. What determines spectral purity? II. Low Noise Oscillator Design A. Establish objectives B. Select a resonator 1. Measure: Qu, l/f noise, AM-FM conversion 2. Analyze phase noise C. Select a circuit topology D. Select an active device E. Select matching networks F. Measure: 1. Open loop gain/phase 2. Closed loop gain/phase III. Oscillator Computer Analysis A. Open loop B. Closed loop IV. Other Noise Mechanisms A. Spurious modes B. Upconverted noise 3 _ _ _ _ Spectral Purity _ LOW NOISE OSCILLATOR DESIGN RF & Microwave Measurement Symposium and Exhibition 961 LOW NOISE OSCILLRTOR DESIGN SPECTRRL PURITY A. What is :;pectraJ purity in OSCillators? B. What determine:; spedral purityl LOYV NOISE OSCILLRrOR DESIGN A. EstabW:;h objectives B. Select a resonator C. SelM:! a Circuit topology O. Seled an active <:l.,yice E. Select malchill9 networK F. fAeasUte OSCILLRTOR COMPUTER RNRLYSIS A. Open loop B. Close<:lloop OTHER NOISE MECHRNISMS A. SpuriOUS modes B. Upconverted noise 962 Spectral Purity describes the degree of degrada- tion from a perfect impulse in the frequency SPECTRAL PURITY DEFINITIONS domain: Vet) = cos W o t VO) = cos Wo t V(W} = o(f)] I I L----l RM Noise PM NOise Real signals have some noise associated

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