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Now downloading free:Pioneer Pioneer PDP-5030HD PDP-4330HD [TM]

Pioneer Pioneer PDP-5030HD PDP-4330HD [TM] free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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File name:Pioneer_PDP-5030HD_PDP-4330HD_[TM].pdf
[preview Pioneer PDP-5030HD PDP-4330HD [TM]]
Size:2590 kB
Model:Pioneer PDP-5030HD PDP-4330HD [TM] 🔎
Original:Pioneer PDP-5030HD PDP-4330HD [TM] 🔎
Descr: Pioneer Monitor Pioneer_PDP-5030HD_PDP-4330HD_[TM].pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
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File name Pioneer_PDP-5030HD_PDP-4330HD_[TM].pdf

Product Training Guide Plasma Display Systems PDP-5030HD & PDP-4330HD Multimedia & Web Training Department 545 Nolan Drive Suite 100 Southlake, Texas 76092 Contents Preface ... 3 System Configurations...4-5 DVI Interface...6 Front Panel Facilities...25 Trap Switch...7 PCB Locations...26 Cell Structure...8 Disassembly...27-32 Overall Block...9-11 Factory Service Modes...33-38 Main PCB Layout...12 Adjustments...39-46 Audio Amp...13 Shut Down & Power Down...47-53 Digital Video...14-15 Y Drive...16-17 X Drive...18-19 Sub Address...20-21 Resonance & Mid Clamp...22-23 MR Interface...24 Preface This technical training guide will address the disassembly and adjustments of the Pioneer PDP-5030HD & PDP4330HD Plasma Display Systems. This guide was designed as a servicing aid and is not intended to replace the service manual. The student should have the appropriate service manual on hand when when using this guide. Data in the service manual for this unit contains specific information on safety, parts and adjustments. Lead in the solder used in this product is a known reproductive toxicant which may cause birth defects or other reproductive Safety information harm. (California Health and Safety Code Section 25249.5). Important safety data for this Pioneer model is contained in the service manual. Before returning the unit to the customer, complete all product safety obligations and tests. Technicians who bypass safety features or When servicing this or handling circuit fail to carry out safety checks may expose boards and other components which themselves and others to possible injury, contain solder, avoid unprotected skin and may be liable for any resulting damages. contact with the solder. Also, when soldering do not inhale any smoke or For more information on electronic fumes produced. circuits and block diagrams refer to Service manuals ARP3107,

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