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RCA rca rs2625 111 free download

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SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DO NOT OPERATE THIS INSTRUMENT OR PERMIT IT TO BE OPER- Do not remove, install, or otherwise handle the picture tube in any manner with- ATED WITHOUT ALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES INSTALLED AND out first putting on shatterproof goggles equipped with side shields. People not so FUNCTIONING. SERVICERS WHO DEFEAT SAFETY FEATURES OR equipped must be kept safely away while picture tubes are handled. Keep the FAIL TO PERFORM SAFETY CHECKS MAY BE LIABLE FOR ANY picture tube away from your body. Do not handle the picture tube by its neck. RESULTING DAMAGE, AND MAY EXPOSE THEMSELVES AND OTH- Some "in-line" picture tubes are equipped with a permanently attached deflection ERS TO POSSIBLE INJURY. yoke; because of potential hazard, do not try to remove such "permanently at- READ AND COMPLY WITH ALL CAUTION AND SAFETY-RELATED tached" yokes from the picture tube. NOTES ON OR INSIDE THE RECEIVER CABINET, AND THE RE- X-RADIATION AND HIGH VOLTAGE LIMITS - Because the picture CEIVER CHASSIS, OR ON THE PICTURE TUBE. tube is the primary source of X-radiation in solid-state TV receivers, it is specially SAFETY GLASSES SHOULD BE USED WHEN SERVICING ELEC- constructed to prohibit X-radiation emissions. For continued X-radiation protec- TRONIC INSTRUMENTS. INADVERTENTLY OVERSTRESSING COM- tion, a replacement picture tube must be the same type as the original. The picture PONENTS MAY CAUSE THEM TO SHATTER, DISCHARGING SMALL shields, mounting hardware and lenses (projection TV) may also perform an X- PARTICLES. radiation protection function, and they must be correctly in place. Anode connec- tors contain an X-radiation shield - use only the manufacturer's specified anode DESIGN ALTERATION WARNING - Do not alter or add to the mechanical or connectors. High voltage must be measured each time servicing that involves electrical design of this instrument. Design alterations and additions may alter the power supply, horizontal deflection or high voltage circuits is performed. Correct safety characteristics of this instrument and create a hazard to the user. Design operation of the X-radiation circuits must also be confirmed each time these cir- alterations or additions may void the manufacturer's warranty and may make you, cuits are serviced (X-radiation circuits may also be ca

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