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Agilent E8403A Component Level Information E8403A C-Size VXI Mainframe Component Level Information Information in this packet applies to the following assemblies: 1. E8401-66505 PC Assembly (Monitor) The following is included in this packet: 1. Component locators 2. Schematics 3. Parts lists with Agilent and manufacturer's part numbers Agilent E8403A VXI C-Size VXI Mainframe E8401-66505 Component Locator Agilent E8403A VXI C-Size VXI Mainframe E8401-66505 Basic Monitoring Page 1 of 4 Agilent E8403A VXI C-Size VXI Mainframe E8401-66505 Temperature Sensing Page 2 of 4 Agilent E8403A VXI C-Size VXI Mainframe E8401-66505 Voltage Limit Compare Page 3 of 4 Agilent E8403A VXI C-Size VXI Mainframe E8401-66505 Unused Parts Page 4 of 4 E8401-66505 Parts List Agilent Reference Designator Qty Part Number Description MPN Manufacturer BAG1 1 9222-1568 POUCH-STAT-DISS-SHLD POLYETH 77 WS SPECIALTY ENTERPRISES LAM ENV 77 WS CORROBILT CONTAINER 77 WS MARK CONTAINER 9222-1568 SEALED AIR C101,C104,C111,C113, 26 0160-7798 CAP-FXD 0.1uF +-10PCT 50V CER X7R 08055C104KAT_A AVX C114,C119,C120,C121, C0805C104K5RAC KEMET ELECTRONICS C201,C202,C204,C205, C2012X7R1H104K TDK C207,C210,C214,C301, GRM21BR71H104KA11L MURATA MANUFACTURING C302,C303,C304,C310, NMC0805X7R104K50TRP NIC COMPONENTS C311,C314,C315,C316, VJ0805Y104KXAMT VISHAY C317,C319 C102,C106,C107,C116, 7 0160-7736 CAP-FXD 1uF +-10PCT 16 V CER X7R 1206YC105KAT AVX C117,C118,C215 C1206C105K4RAC KEMET ELECTRONICS GRM31MR71C105KA01L MURATA MANUFACTURING C103 1 0160-5947 CAP-FXD 1000pF +-10pct 50 V CER X7R 08055C102KAT A AVX C0805C102K5RAC KEMET ELECTRONICS C2012X7R1H102K TDK GRM216R71H102KA01D MURATA MANUFACTURING C108,C216 2 0160-8559 CAP-FXD 2.2uF +

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