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Now downloading free:xerox BASIC-80 5.0

xerox BASIC-80 5.0 free download

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Model:BASIC-80 5.0 🔎
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Descr: xerox 820-II BASIC-80_5.0.pdf
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XEROX BASIC-SO ALL SOFTWARE IS WARRANTED AS SET OUT IN THE XEROX OFFICE PRODUCTS SOFTW ARE LICENSE AND SOFTW ARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 610P70641 basic-80 reference manual This manual is a reference for Microsoft's BASIC-aO language, release 5.0 and later. There are significant differences between the 5.0 release of BASlc-ao and the previous releases (release 4.51 and earlier). If you have programs written under a previous release of BASIC-aO, check Appendix A for new features in 5.0 that may affect execution. Introduction BASIC-80 is the most extens

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