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FOSTEX hfe fostex d-160 supp en free download

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D-160 Owner's Manual Supplement (V2.10) The functions explained here are additions to the main manual because of our version-up (V2.10) of the D-160 software. Please read this manual together with the main manual before operating the D-160. 1. Large capacity hard disks can now be used. It is now possible to use E-IDE hard disks with a recording capacity up to approximately 30GB (FS=44.1kHz) as the D-160's recording media (current drive/backup drive). Please refer to "List of hard disks checked for operation" to make sure any product you are about to use will operate correctly. : When formatting a large capacity hard disk, the time required to format will be in relation to disk size. As a general estimate, it requires about 15 minutes to format 1GB and thus, as an example, it will take about 7 hours for a 30GB hard disk. Maker Model Disk Capacity Fireball CX 6.4GB, 10.2GB, 13.0GB, 20.4GB Quantum Fireball CR 4.3GB, 6.4GB, 8.4GB, 13.0GB 2. In the BAR/BEAT/CLK (bar/beat/clock) time base, the offset figure of the BAR that indicates the head of the disk can now be edited. Although [Time Base] is explained in [Before Operating] the main D-160 owners manual, the unit to indicate the present traveling position, MTC (MIDI time code) or BAR/BEAT/ CLK (bar/beat/clock) is now also employed in addition to ABS (absolute time). Because of this, the figure indicating the present disk position will be different depending on the selected time base. When the D-160 is in the initial setup state and the MTC offset display at [MTC 00h 59m 57s 00f] for the disk in the head position (ABS 00m 00s 00f) or, at BAR/BEAT/CLK, it will display [-002bar 1 beat 00clk]. Before version-up V2.10, this offset figure could be changed only for MTC, and the BAR/ BEAT/CLK offset figure was fixed to [-002bar 1beat 00clk]. But, with V2.10, the BAR offset figure in BAR/BEAT/CLK can now be changed to any figure within the -002 ~ -009 range. In the initial setup state of the D-160, [-002bar 1beat 00clk] will always be displayed and the bar offset figure will be [-002bar]. To setup the offset figure of this BAR/BEAT/CLK display, execute it in the SETUP mode of the D-160, the same as the setup of the MTC offset figure. Please read the reverse side operating procedures. For setup of the MTC offset, refer to the explanations in the SETUP mode of the main owners manual. Setup procedures for BAR/BEAT/CLK offset : Offset setups can be executed for each program. The setup content will be maintained even though power is switched off. 1. First select the program to which offset is to be setup.

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