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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1975-03-04

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1975-03-04 free download

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SERVICE INFORMATION FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD MARCH-APRIL 1975 HOW TO REMOVE ICs side and using a vacuum device on the other. See Figure 4. Shown here by Dick Gasperini, Editor is a smaller vacuum device called Soldavac. Each pin of the IC is un- soldered in this manner, taking care Removing integrated circuits from not to overheat the board. Too much printed circuit boards is a problem heat will cause spots on the p.c. that sometimes is bewildering to board, referred to as "measling". repair personnel when initially en- countering ICs. Here are several I methods that may provide an interesting solution to your IC removal job. FIGURE 2 I find that soldering techniques are a vary personal subject. A method one Then each hole must be cleared of person likes well may be hated by a solder. The most effective way I have * co-worker. Therefore these are found is by using a hand operated presented to acquaint you with the vacuum device such as the various methods that I have found Soldapullt shown in Figure 3. helpful. Some work well in most situations, while others work best in unique circumstances. CLIP OUT FIGURE 3 is pulled free. See Figure 5. After all leads are free, the IC should easily This is a spring-I come out o the board with an IC f can be cocked an puller. See Figure 6. the solder into the Soldapullt. Periodically solder is removed from this desalder device. Some service personnel regard the IN THIS ISSUE Fluune 1 clip out method as crude, but it is very effective. While other methods

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