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Now downloading free:xerox 19770211 Programming Conventions

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Descr: xerox sdd memos_1977 19770211_Programming_Conventions.pdf
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J..s jecfreJO>\S Qt> M1l1fe ~1'ZlM. 1 ( h;. /' Inter-Office Memorandum - DRAFf To: Distribution Date: February 11, 1977 From: C. Irb~, T. Shetler, and C. Simonyi Subject: Programming Conventions Organization: SDD/SD Keywords: Programming Conventions, Policies, Procedures XEROX SDD ARCHIVES I have read and understood To Filed on: tonimemo.bravo on Toni Pack One Pages Rev1ewer _________ Date ----- # of Pages ---- Ref' . 17$1)-3'7:;; Attached is the draft of the Programming Conventions subsection (2.2) of the Software Development Procedur~s section of the SOD Policies and Procedures document. The concept of a Programmer's Notebook is introduced in the attached subsection and refers to the collection of reference and training materials that every programmer in SD should have. While this notebook is not intended to replace any existing or planned documentation, it is considered a necessary repository for related memorandum, notes, etc. The outline and content of this notebook is not discussed here because it is more appropriately addressed in the context of training or reference materials for the staff than in a discussion of programming conventions, though materials that are described as in the Programmer's Notebook will simply be attachmt!nts that follow the subsection. The exception is the reference to good coding examples which are still being sought. A "Programmer's Notebook" already exists whether it is in a formal format or in a form each individual defines for himself. (Perhaps someone already has created such an object for himself and with a few modifications, we could adopt it for SD?) Please read, use, and prepare comments on these Programming Conventions. We would like to have the first final form of this document available for general distribution by the end of February. If you have any questions, please contact one of us. There will be a meeting during the week of February 28th to review comments based on your trial use of these conventions. Distribution: B. Ayres G. Benedict L. Bergsteinsson I. Clark D. DeSantis J. Francleen E. Harslem

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