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Now downloading free:Weller DS80

Weller DS80 free download

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File name:schemads80.pdf
[preview DS80]
Size:21 kB
Model:DS80 🔎
Descr:Electrical scheme of ds80 soldering/desoldering station
Group:Electronics > Other
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Bill of material.txt QTY PART-REFS --- --------Resistors --------1 R1 1 R2 1 R3 6 R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R9 1 R10 1 R11 1 R12 3 R13,R18,R20 1 R14 1 R15 1 R16 2 R17,R19 1 R23 Capacitors ---------4 C1,C3,C10,C11 1 C2 1 C4 1 C5 1 C6 2 C7,C9 1 C8 1 C12 Integrated Circuits ------------------1 U1 1 U2 1 U3 Transistors ----------2 Q1,Q3 1 Q2 Diodes -----1 D1 1 D2 1 D3 Miscellaneous ------------1 BR1 1 BR2 1 BUTTON#006A 1 FU1 1 J1 1 J2 1 J3 1 J6 1 P1 1 RL1 1 RV2 1 RV3 1 RV4 1 SW1 1 TR1 VALUE ----560 1K 8.2K 47k 18K 0 4.7M 10k 22k 4.7K 1.5k 1k 4,7M PACKAGE ------RES40 RES40 RES40 RES40 RES40 RES40 1206 RES40 RES40 RES40 RES40 RES40 1206 100nF 100nF 1uF 100uF/25V 470uF/25V 100uF/16V 10uF 100nF/400V 1206 CAP20 1206 ELEC-RAD10 ELEC-RAD10 ELEC-RAD10 CAP20 CAP20 LM324 7808 7908 DIL14 P1 P1 BC547 IRLZ44N TO92/18 TO220 DIODE 12V LED Red DIODE30 DIODE30 LED BRIDGE 5A in line BRIDGE 1A square BRIDGE1 BRIDGE2 1A CONN-SIL2 PU PIN Pompe CON1 24VAC CON1 2x10VAC CON2 10k POTDS 12V RELAIS1 2.2k PRE-SQ1 500 PRE-SQ1 10k PRE-SQ1 ON/OFF CONN-SIL4 TRANSFO 24VAC torique Page 1
File name schemads80.pdf

+24V C12 100nF/400V J15 J2 1 BR1 BRIDGE 5A in line +24 +12V 1 2 J3 Pompe 24VAC 1 2 1 4 2 +12V +8V RL1 12V U2 7808 D1 DIODE 3 VI VO 3 J11 DETECT DETECT 1k 12V 10k J6 R19 D2 4 2 C6 470uF/25V 2 GND 1 C7 100uF/16V C10 100nF R20 Q3 BC547 3 1 2 3 2x10VAC BR2 BRIDGE 1A square R15 4.7K C8 10uF C5 100uF/25V C9 1 100uF/16V C11 100nF 2 GND VI VO 3 U3 SW1 1 +8V +8V -8V 2 FU1 1A TR1 1 3 4 5 6 2 7 TRAN 3 2 1 1 2 J5 24VAC 7908 -8V J4 1 2 230V/110V 3 ON/OFF 4 J7 2x10VAC C3 R1 560 100nF C2 100nF +8V * 2 Marron 4 Noir U1:A 4 *Add layer cable (spire) to 2*10VAC Torical transformer 230V or 110V / 24V 100VA J8 CTP1 R2 1K LM324 1 3 2 R7 47k RA 6.7 / 80W J9 CTP2 R4 SCALE +8V R6 47k 10 C1 100nF 11 U1:C LM324 8 J12 +8V PIN VTEMP CTP 23 Ohms at 25°C 3 Rouge 1 Bleu 47k RV2 2.2k J10 DMOSFET LA 100uH -8V 9 R10 18K R3 8.2K 6 R5 47k R8 47k R9 47k +8V R16 1.5k J1 PU DMOSFET CA 1nF RB 44k 7 Violet LB 100uH 5 Blanc OFFSET 7 5 R13 10k D3 LED Red R17 1k 1 2 Q2 IRLZ44N PRIMITIVE=ANALOGUE,SUBCKT SPICEMODEL=IRLZ44N,IRLZ44N.LIB SPICEPINS=2,1,3 RV3 500 U1:B LM324 R12 R18 10k 12 14 13 4.7M R11 0 R14 22k Q1 BC547 R23 1M RV4 10k U1:D LM324 3 4 7 1 2 TEMP MAX 3 J13 P1 10k PIN 5 6 C4 1uF 6 NC Pinout DS80 (view pinout male solder) J14 PIN

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