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Now downloading free:HP 27140A Firmware ERS Apr86

HP 27140A Firmware ERS Apr86 free download

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File name:27140A_Firmware_ERS_Apr86.pdf
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Model:27140A Firmware ERS Apr86 🔎
Original:27140A Firmware ERS Apr86 🔎
Descr: HP 9000_cio 27140A_Firmware_ERS_Apr86.pdf
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File name 27140A_Firmware_ERS_Apr86.pdf

I I KEULETT History I II 17 date description I I 1--1 PACKARD I 840117 Oriiinal docURent I I 840209 Major revision. 840223 Changes to the ARQ Asynchronous Event Sensed (AES) section, to the RodeR status bit assignRent, and to the write data!confiiUration/control requeet with IlUbfunction 1 and 146. 840301 Minor clarification In the read download status with option 1 section and added note In download order wIth option 1, subfunction 1 sectIon. HP-CIO SIX CHANNEL TERMINAL MULtIPLEXER 840615 Added notes concernln8 the 2 characters FIFO In the sec and the RaHiRuR record size that the host can receive on a read; FIRtilARE lOR HP-UX/Rr TERMINAL I/O SUPPORr added subfunction 8 to progrM the host controlled X-ON/X-OFF characters, subfunction 149 to send the host X-()if EXTERNAL RElERENCE SPECtrlCATI(If (ERS) character bllllediatel Y and subfunction 150 to 88nd the host 1 X-OFr character iRAed ately. 841219 Added section 3,8.2.11 concerninsr the potential RodeR problellls and solutions; added additonal RodeR error codes for the Rodell! status byte; added notes concerni

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