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Samsung Trouble Shooting free download

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File name:Trouble Shooting.pdf
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Size:1205 kB
Model:Trouble Shooting 🔎
Original:Trouble Shooting 🔎
Descr: Samsung Plasma PPM-42S3QX chassis D61B PPM-42S3Q ch.D61B_training Trouble Shooting.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Trouble Shooting.pdf

Troubleshooting 7 Troubleshooting 7-1 Partly no display Power On POWER ON Abnor mal SMPS Replace Abnor mal F ront LED CN8 0 1 ,8 0 2 Display Gre en Output Board 1 Abnormal Normal Abnormal SMPS Abnormal Validate the Change Output AC input to SMPS Fus e Volta ge SM PS CN8 0 0 S 2 Normal Abnor mal SMPS LOGIC Abnor mal Output LOGIC Board 3 Normal Abnormal X - Board Output Change X - Board 4 Normal Y - Board Abnormal Output Change Y - Board 5 Change PANEL Samsung Electronics 7-1 Troubleshooting Partly no dis play. Symptom 1 ) 2 Half of s cre en doe s n't appea r 2 ) 3 Vertically,1 /7 of s cree n does n't appe ar Ca us e Some buffer boa rds doe s n't work correctly. POWER ON Lowe r Part Re pla ce Lowe r Buffe r board No Scre en 1 1 /2 Replace Lowe r Sc an board No Scre en T rou

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