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Intel Intel Multimedia and Supercomputing Processors Jan92 free download

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int:eL Intel Corporation is a leading supplier of microcomputer components, modules and systems. When Intel first introduced the microprocessor in 1971, it created the era of the microcomputer. Today, Intel architectures are considered world standards. Intel products are used in a wide variety of applications including, embedded systems such as automobiles, avionics systems and telecommunications equipment, and as the CPU in personal computers, network servers and supercomputers. Others bring enhanced capabilities to systems and networks. Intel's mission is to deliver quality products through leading-edge technology. MULTIMEDIA AND SUPERCOMPUTING PROCESSORS 1992 Intel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products and assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document nor does it make a commitment to update the information contained herein. Intel retains the right to make changes to these specifications at any time, without notice. Contact your. , local sales. office. to obtain the latest specifications before placing your order. .. . The following are trademarks of Intel Corporation and may only be used to identify Intel products: 376, Above, ActionMedia, BITBUS, Code Builder, DeskWare, Digital Studio, DVI, EtherExpress, ETOX, FaxBACK, Grand Challenge, i, i287, i386, i387, i486, i487, i750, i860, i960, ICE, iLBX, Inboard, Intel, Intel287, Intel386, Intel387, Intel486, Inte1487, intel inside., Intellec, iPSC, iRMX, iSBC, iSBX, iWARP, LAN Print, LANSelect, LAN Shell, LANSight, LANSpace, LANSpool, MAPNET, Matched, MCS, Media Mail, NetPort, NetSentry, OpenNET,PR0750, ProSolver, READY-LAN, Reference Point, RMX/80, SatisFAXtion, Snapln 386, Storage Broker, SugarCube, The Computer Inside., TokenExpress, Visual Edge, and WYPIWYF. MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MDS is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation. CHMOS and HMOS are patented processes of Intel Corp. Intel Corporation and Intel's FASTPATH are not affiliated with Kinetics, a division of Excelan, Inc. or its FASTPATH trademark or products. Additional copies' of this manual or other Intel literature may be obtained from: Intel Corporation Literature Sales P.O. Box 7641 Mt. Prospect, IL 60056-7641 @INTEL CORPORATION 1991 intaL

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