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Combining Network and Spectrum Analyses and IBASIC to improve device characterization and test time Using the HP 4396B to Application note 1288-1 analyze linear and non-linear components - a 900 MHz AGC amplifier example Background Active components require linear and non-linear analysis Active components (and now even some passive components like crystal filters) require analysis to characterize linear parameters (gain/loss, phase and group delay or S-parameters) as well as non-linear performance. Non-linear analysis is typically related to measuring signal distortion generated in the device such as harmonic or inter- modulation distortion. Therefore, Combining vector network analysis, for complete characterization, spectrum analysis, and a built-in controller in one instrument offers new both a vector network (VNA) and capabilities for RF testing.Background spectrum analyzer (SA) are required, for linear and non-linear evaluation respectively. For example, to characterize an amplifier for cellular applications, we are typically interested in the following measurements. Note that 10 out of 12 measurements are made with either a vector network analyzer (VNA) or spectrum analyzer (SA). Introduction obstacle to comprehensive Testing a silicon bipolar characterization. If operating data MMIC 900 MHz AGC Today's RF designs are is needed for different or changing increasingly driven by time-to- amplifier for cellular conditions, re-configuring the test market. At the same time, station required a large applications advances in digital c

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