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Now downloading free:Samsung samsung le 40s81bx sm 161

Samsung samsung le 40s81bx sm 161 free download

LCD television

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Model:samsung le 40s81bx sm 161 🔎
Original:samsung le 40s81bx sm 161 🔎
Descr: Samsung LCD TV LE40S81EXXEC samsung_le_40s81bx_sm_161.pdf
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TFT-LCD TV Chassis GJA26SEU GJA32SEU GJA37SEU GJA40SEU GJA46SEU Model LE26S81BX LE32S81BX LE37S81BX LE40S81BX LE46S81BX SERVICE Manual TFT-LCD TV Fashion Feature - Luxurious Slim Design - Supreme Picture Quality - Supreme Sound Quality - Supreme Convenience Quality - Convenience for Users 3 Alignments and Adjustments 3-2 How to Access Service Mode 3-2-1 Entering Factory Mode " " Power OFF INFO MENU MUTE Power ON - If you have Factory remote - control PICTURE ON DISPLAY FACTORY - The buttons are active in the service mode. 1. Remote - Control Key : Power, Arrow Up, Arrow Down, Arrow Left Arrow Right, Menu, Enter, Number Key(0~9) 2. Function - Control Key : Power, CH +, CH -, VOL +, VOL -, Menu, TV/VIDEO(Enter) 3-2-2 Panel Check Specially for LE26,32R7**, You have to check Panel Maker Because of different adjustments as follows. First of all, Check the label rating! 1) Label Rating File PANEL MAKER If Panel Mark is "A", Set the factory mode Panel BOM(Bill of material) : BN07-00247A indicating as follows. Connector between Panel and Power Unit : BN39-00603M (300mm) Panel BOM(Bill of material) : BN07-00289A * Option Byte Connector between Panel and Power Unit 1. Gamma "AMLCD" : BN39-00603M (300mm) 2. Panel Option "AMLCD_INT" If Panel Mark is "C" , Set the Factory mode * Option Byte indicating as follows. 1. Gamma "AUO" Panel BOM(Bill of Material) : BN07-00207A 2. Panel Option "AUO" Connecotor between Panel and Powe Unit : BN39-00659A(200mm) If Panel Mark is "S" or not printed. * Option Byte Set the factory mode indicating as follows. 1. Gamma " CMO " 2. Panel Option " CMO " Others are same shown below. 3-2 3 Alignments and Adjustments 3-3 Factory Dat

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