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Now downloading free:Samsung 20061023162847421 ks7c-p-eplit-5

Samsung 20061023162847421 ks7c-p-eplit-5 free download

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File name:20061023162847421_ks7c-p-eplit-5.pdf
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Model:20061023162847421 ks7c-p-eplit-5 🔎
Original:20061023162847421 ks7c-p-eplit-5 🔎
Descr: Samsung TV CS29Z45 chassis KS7C CS29Z45MQTXXSE__KS7C 20061023162847421_ks7c-p-eplit-5.pdf
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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Electrical Part List 5. Electrical Part List 5-1 CS29Z45MQTXXSE You can search for the updated part code through ITSELF web site. URL: Loc.No. Code No. Description Specification Q'ty SA/SNA Remark ASSY CHASSIS M0017 AA91-10590A ASSY CHASSIS "CS29Z45MQTXXSE,KS7C 1 S.N.A T0091 AA94-15869A ASSY PCB MISC-A/V CS29Z30ZQTXBWT,KS7C 1 S.A C701 2202-000121 C-CERAMIC,MLC-AXIAL 0.1nF,10%,50V,Y5P,-, 1 S.A C702 2202-000121 C-CERAMIC,MLC-AXIAL 0.1nF,10%,50V,Y5P,-, 1 S.A C707 2202-000121 C-CERAMIC,MLC-AXIAL 0.1nF,10%,50V,Y5P,-, 1 S.A C708 2202-000121 C-CERAMIC,MLC-AXIAL 0.1nF,10%,50V,Y5P,-, 1 S.A JA332 3722-000544 JACK-VHS 4P,AG,BLK,STRAIGHT 1 S.A JA333 3722-001164 JACK-PIN 3P,SN,WH:YE:RE,STRAIGHT 1 S.A L2514 3301-000287 BEAD-AXIAL ,3.5x1.0x6.0mm,3000mA,TP,,,50 1 S.N.A L2514 3301-000287 BEAD-AXIAL ,3.5x1.0x6.0mm,3000mA,TP,,,50 1 S.N.A L701 2701-000114 INDUCTOR-AXIAL 10UH,10%,2534 1 S.A L702 2701-000114 INDUCTOR-AXIAL 10UH,10%,2534 1 S.A L705 2701-000114 INDUCTOR-AXIAL 10UH,10%,2534 1 S.A L706 2701-000114 INDUCTOR-AXIAL 10UH,10%,2534 1 S.A M2893 AA39-20068J LEAD CONNECTOR ,8P,600MM,YBNH250-08,6709 1 S.A PCB AA41-01216A PCB SUB CS29Z30,FR-1,1,A,1.6,245*245*1.6 1 S.N.A R703 2001-000969 R-CARBON 75OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM 1 S.A R704 2001-000969 R-CARBON 75OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM 1 S.A T0245 0202-001492 SOLDER-WIRE FLUX HSE-02 LFM48 SR-34 S,-, 0.003 S.N.A T0245 AA39-20070B LEAD CONNECTOR-ASSY ,7P,600,YBNH025-07,6 1 S.A T0245 AA39-20009D LEAD CONNECTOR-ASSY ,1P,500,YFH800-01,16 1 S.A T0557 AA97-16603A ASSY AUTO-A/V CS29Z30ZQTXBWT,KS7C 1 S.N.A T0098 AA94-16048A ASSY PCB MISC-CONTROL CS29Z45ZQTXBWT,KS7 1 S.A DZY04 0403-000508 DIODE-ZENER MTZJ5.6B,5.45-5.73V,500mW,DO 1 S.A LY01 2701-000136 INDUCTOR-AXIAL 18UH,10%,2534 1 S.A M0119 AA41-01177D

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