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Agilent Advanced impedance measurement capability of the RF I-V method compared to the network analysis method Application Note 1369-2 1. Introduction Explosive demand for the method, which is incorporated in Note: This application note treats the electronic devices used in cellular the current RF impedance analyz- one-port and two-port measurement phones and high-speed telecom- ers, is an advanced measurement methods for a two-terminal impedance munication equipment has technique to perform accurate element (device). The transfer imped- increased the need for impedance ance measurement of a multi-terminal one-port impedance measure- circuit network (device with three or characterization and analysis of ments. In the frequency range up more terminals) is not treated because these devices in the RF to to 3 GHz, this method has the it can be made by the two-port meas- microwave region. In the areas of advantages of higher accuracy and urement method only and is not an passive device development, pre- a wider impedance measurement application that the impedance cise RF impedance measurement range than has been achieved analyzers address. The measurement is vital for the evaluation of real before with other methods. This categories covered by this application device characteristics and problem product note highlights the RF I-V note are illustrated in figure 2 below: analysis. In the RF circuit design method and describes differences environment, RF impedance between the impedance analyzer measurement also aides high- and the network analyzer to help performance circuit design by you choose the appropriate meas- allowing accurate circuit simula- urement method for your intended tion and selection of appropriate application. devices for the designed circuit. Accurate, easy to perform impedance measurements are required to evaluate RF character- istics of generic passive compo- nents, such as capacitors, inductors, diodes, PC board pat- terns etc., because the frequency dependence of these devices are not necessarily found in their cat- alog specifications. Actual imped- ance characteristics of these devices will influence the circuit's operating performance. RF imped- ance characterization allows the circuits to be designed using the Figure 1. Typi

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