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Now downloading free:Crown International hfe crown dc-300a en

Crown International hfe crown dc-300a en free download

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File name:hfe_crown_dc-300a_en.pdf
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Mfg:Crown International
Model:hfe crown dc-300a en 🔎
Original:hfe crown dc-300a en 🔎
Descr: Crown International Audio DC-300A hfe_crown_dc-300a_en.pdf
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
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w crolun DC-300A IM-9 S3P2-15-6 INSTRUCTION MANUAL SERIAL NO ISSUED DC-300A DUAL CHANNEL LABORATORY AMPLIFIER CROWN INTERNATIONAL, INC., BOX 1000, ELKHART, INDIANA 46514 `TOTAL PERFORM A N CE IS WHAT COUNTS" CROWN test and check-out procedures reflect our basic design 4. Protection Test - This is a test with a 2 ohm load which philosophy; we believe that reliability can be engineered into a determines the threshold at which the protection circuitry product. As such, our check-out is designed to expose and will be activated. Sharp clipping should occur with no correct a problem, before it happens. This testing begins when evidence of instability. The positive and negative limiters operated independently and therefore may not be activated the unit is still a pile of parts; grading and selection of simultaneously. components is standard. The final test-inspection is the culmina- tion of this vigorous program, but our concern doesn't stop here. 5. Reliability Test - This test puts the output stages through an extremely vigorous thermal cycling. The test is a very Our products are backed by an extensive field service program, low frequency input signal driving the output to full and protected by a comprehensive warranty. power across a short circuit for a predetermined period of time. A word about our testing procedure is in order. All our specifi- cations are referenced to an AC input of 120 VAC. The high 6. 20KHz - This tests the amplifier at its rated power level. current demand with high power tends to cause the line voltage We specify that at any frequency between 1Hz and to sag, or the sinusoidal waveform to distort. With a distorted 2OKHz the DC-300A will produce 155 watts minimum waveform (or lower line voltage) the peak voltage is lowered. rms (both channels operating) into an 8 ohm load, at a Since it is the peaks that charge the filter capacitors in the sum total

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