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ECS ecs-c51m940 free download

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Model:ecs-c51m940 🔎 ecsc51m940
Original:ecs-c51m940 🔎
Descr: ECS ecs-c51m940.PDF
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5 4 3 2 1 D C51-M940 Page Index 01-COVER PAGE 02-BLOCK DIAGRAM D 03-CPU M2-1 HyperTransport REV:1.0 PCB:15-K57-011000 BOM:81-685-K57100 04-CPU M2-1 DDR2 05-CPU M2-3 Miscellany 06-CPU M2-4 Power and Ground 07-First Logic DDR2 DIMM 08-DDR2 Termination 09-C51G HT CPU 10-C51G HT MCP51 11-C51G PCI-E 12-C51G DAC/VGA CONN C 13-C51G P/G C 14-MCP51G HT C51PV 15-MCP51G PCI 16-MCP51G SATA/IDE/CONN 17-MCP51G AUDIO/USB/MISC 18-MCP51G GMII 19-MCP51G P/G 20-PCI-E*16 21-PCI 1&2 22-PCI-E*1&CNR 23-LPC SIO-ITE8716F/FDD B 24-LPT / COM / PS2 B 25-USB 26-PWR CONN. / FNT PNL 27-CPU VCORE 28-DC-DC 29-ALC883/861/660/655 30-ALC883/861/660/655 CONN. 31-RTL8100C & AC131 Signature Date 32-1394 VT6308 Designer Eli Ya

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