File name 19770316_Common_Software_Preliminary_Work_Plan_for_2Q77-2Q79.pdfXEROX
Information Technology Group
Systems Development Division
March 16, 1977
To: David Liddle, Wendell Shultz
From: Charles Irby
Subject: Common Software Preliminary Work Plan for 2Q77 - 2Q79
Filed on: CS-Plan.Mar-16-77
Keywords: Common Software, Work Plan, Manpower, Schedules, Diamond, Janus
This memo constitutes a preliminary work plan for Common Software development for
2Q77 through 2Q79. Common Software is application software that is utilized by several
application areas and is centralized to ensure consistency and efficient coupling with Pilot
and to reduce redundancy. ' ,
This activity area is concerned principally with user interface facilities, data management
facilities, and' other utility packages.
Summary of Projects
This work plan covers the following projects:
o Specification of the user interface for the Diamond prototype system. This J:nay at times
include assistance in implementing the specified . user interface.
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o Assist in the specification of the user interface for Janus/OIS.
oSpecification and development of user interface software facilities for the Janus/OIS
o Specification and development of djl~a managem~I1_L-softw_~r.~ _facil!Jies fQrJalllls/QIS,
including the implementation of some standard data types.- , - ' - - -
o Specification and developmen t of other commonly used software packages, such as
storage allocators, as the need arises.
o Specification and deveiopment of user tramlng materials and techniques for all tests
sponsored by SOD for Janus/OIS. This includes any software needed to support on-line
help aids.
These projects are discussed in morc depth in the following sections.
User Interface
One of the most important aspects of Janus/OIS is its user interface. It is vital to the
success of Janus/OIS that the user perceive it as a coherent system. This means that the
user must be able to apply learning experiences in one application environment to others.
He must be able to predict system behavior based on past experience. To this end a t
centralized set of user interface facilities will be constructed. The wor |