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Now downloading free:xerox BCPL Symbol Table Format Mar74

xerox BCPL Symbol Table Format Mar74 free download

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Model:BCPL Symbol Table Format Mar74 🔎
Original:BCPL Symbol Table Format Mar74 🔎
Descr: xerox alto memos_1974 BCPL_Symbol_Table_Format_Mar74.pdf
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InJer-Office Memorandum To BCPL Users Date March 7, 1974 From Bill Duvall Location Palo Alto Subject BCPL Symbol Table Format Organization PARC/SSL (Gleaned from Allen Brown1s Debugger Notes) )(ERO)( c: Jim Curry, Jim Morris BCPL SYMBOL TABLE FORMAT BLDR PROGRAM/S/M 000 PROGRAM.BM 0 VERSION 1 LENGTH 2 STRING START 3 SYMBOL START SIZE OF STRING STORAGE STRING STORAGE # SYMBOLS SYMBOL TABLE ENTRIES o PTR TO String Storage (begins at L) 1: Bit O-X Type '+ UNDEF 0 VARIABLE 1 PROC 2 LABEL 3 BRFILE 4 BIN FILE 5 MANIFEST 6 BIT 5: External BITS 6-15: 777 WORD 2: (a) FOR PROC, LABEL, VARIABLE STATIC ADDRESS (b) FOR MANIFEST VALUE WORD 3: 777

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