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Now downloading free:AIWA tv-c202s 175

AIWA tv-c202s 175 free download

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TV-C202S PH SERVICE MANUAL COLOR TELEVISION Replace this Service manual with Revision Publishing when it is issued. LE MP A SI DAT S/M Code No. 09-00B-421-9T2 PARTS LIST ! = ! SAFTY PARTS C = Components marked All components used on this model at the production line are shown in this service manual. However, please note that not all components will be available as spare parts for after-sales service. Components marked S and O are designated as spare parts for service and will be stocked at the spare parts centers. Components marked X and R are not designated as spare parts for after sales service, and will not be stocked at the spare parts centers. K NO. = Only use japanese. ! C UNIT NAME REF NO. PARTS CODE K NO. DESCRIPTION SUFFIX MODEL NAME O ACC 86-LB4-951-010 2M RC UNIT,RC-6VT06 PHJ3K1C TV-C202S X ACC 87-B30-274-010 0E BAT,R6P ATC PHJ3K1C TV-C202S O ACC 8Z-JB6-610-010 1E ANT ASSY,TV 5 SEC (PAL)PT CROW PHJ3K1C TV-C202S O APPEAR 86-LB4-005-010 0E LENS,RC PHJ3K1C TV-C202S O APPEAR 86-LB4-012-110 2 CABI,REAR KE PHJ3K1C TV-C202S X APPEAR 86-LB4-032-010 2P CABI,FR C202S M PHJ3K1C TV-C202S X APPEAR 86-LB4-033-010 1 PANEL,FR C202S M PHJ3K1C TV-C202S X APPEAR 86-LBR-004-010 0E LENS,LED PHJ3K1C TV-C202S X APPEAR 86-LBR-020-010 0E PLATE,FBT S PHJ3K1C TV-C202S ! O APPEAR 87-054-086-010 1A BADGE,AIWA 52.5 ABS GLD PHJ3K1C TV-C202S O APPEAR 8Z-JBW-007-010 0E PLATE,FOOT ST PHJ3K1C TV-C202S O AUDIO C 0361 87-A12-087-080 0E CAP,E 1-50 SMG PHJ3K1C TV-C202S O AUDIO C 0381 87-A12-091-080 0E CAP,E 10-50 SMG PHJ3K1C TV-C202S O AUDIO C 0382 87-A12-091-080 0E CAP,E 10-50 SMG PHJ3K1C TV-C202S O

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