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LISA TOOLKIT SELF-PACED TRAINING Preface. This self-paced training comprises eleven self-study segments. The intent of these segments is to get you started designing applications with the ToolKit. Although the initial segments have no code associated with them, the latter segments include labs allowing you to experiment with actual appl ication code. A single application is used as the context for this training. This is the Boxer appl ication. Boxer is implemented in stages over 8 of the eleven segments. The result is an application that exhibits the essential features of typical ToolKit appl ications. What those are is the subject of this training. CONTENTS The following table I ists the segments, labs, and the code associated with them: segftent nuftber seQ~ent na~e lab code stage Conceptual Foundation of the ToolKit no 1 Introduction to the ToolKit no 2 What is a Document? no 3 Creating from the Generic Application yes 1Boxer 4 BlankStationery no 5 Intro to the Boxer Appl ication yes 2Boxer 6 Selections and Highl ighting in Boxer yes 3Boxer 7 Mov i ng Boxes yes 4Boxer 8 Creating a Box, A Second Selection Class yes 5Boxer 9 Recoloring .. Dupl icating.. and Clear All yes 6Boxer Commands with Undo 10 Filters yes 7Boxer 11 Cut & Paste and Mouse Key Events yes 8Boxer as Commands; Advanced Commands. The recommended sequence of segments is to start with "Conceptual Foundation of the ToolKit", and then continue sequentially with segments 1 through 11. PREREQUISITES You are expected to have read the following documents before starting this self-study: o Introduction to Clascal o WorkShop Manual, especially the QuickDraw and Pascal language sections To your future as II grellt ToolKit IIPPlic4tion designer! Conceptual Foundation of the ToolKit The ToolKit is en object-orierKlNi development system. This means that the . code to be executed is selected through the data, which is packaged into record-like constructs called Db~cts. This is in direct contrast to a procedure-oriented system. In that kind of' system the code to be called is tixed by the designer. The data must fit the celled code, rather than vice versa. The following discussion and slides provide a conceptual foundat ion for an object-oriented system, and how it contributes

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