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HP 6C06DAC DIASOLV free download

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Diagnosing frequency response of the actual system. The examples discussed here illustratebothapproaches. The phase with respect to the tacho- meter on the shaft remains stable and suggests that the two resonances are and Solving With either approach, you often need to consider additional elements as part associated with the pump's housing or mountingstructure,nottheshaft.If Resonance of the mechanical system. For instance,thesupportstructurefora thevibrationlevelisunacceptable,we need to either avoid operating speeds pump can affect the pump's dynamics around 3600 and 4600 RPM or modify Problems because it adds its own mass and stiffnesspropertiestotheequation. the dynamics to move the resonances up or down. by Phillip Garrett and Tom Lantrip, This is the reason why pieces of Southern Company Services, Inc. equipment that behave well before Stimulus-Response Testing One of the most common reasons for being installed sometimes misbehave Another common test technique is high vibration of plant equipment is once they are installed--and why excitinga structurewithan external some form of resonance of the equipment suppliers need to make stimulus and measuring how the equipment components or support surethattheirproductsstilloperate structuredeflectsinresponse.Impact structure. Every mechanical system properlyafterinstallation. testing is one of the easiest methods. has resonant frequencies (damped You typically excite the system with naturalfrequencies).Ifthesystemis Run-Up and Coast-Down an instrumented impact hammer and exposed to vibration at these frequen- Testing use a signa

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