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Now downloading free:HP 13255-91107 Synchronous Multipoint Interface Module Aug76

HP 13255-91107 Synchronous Multipoint Interface Module Aug76 free download

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Model:13255-91107 Synchronous Multipoint Interface Module Aug76 🔎
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HP 13255 SYNCBRUNOUS MULTIPUINT INTlRFACE MODULE Manual Part No. 13255-91107 PRINTED AUG-Ol-76 DATA TERMINAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION _._._-------_._-------------------' HEWLETT It; PACKARD Printed in U.S.A. 13255 13255-91107/02 Synchronous Multipoint Interface Module Rev AUG-OI-76 1.0 INTRODUCIION. The synchronous Multipoint Interface Module performs data serializa- tion and control for ErA RS232C compatible intertacing. Circuitry is provided allowing data, ClOCK, and control to be buffered and sent to additional 264XX terminals with the syncnronous Multipoint Interface PCA in a daisy-chain line sharing configuration (for polled multipoint operation). Parts lists for the cables and Self Test Connector AssemblY (5061-2403, 5061-2409, 02640-60132, 02640-60133, 02640-60134, 02640-60140, and 02645-60004) are covered in module section 13255- 91106. Parts lists for the Data Comm Self Test Hood (02640-60002) and US Modem Cable Assembly (02640-60131) are covered in module section 13255-91086. 2.0 OPERATING PARAMETERS. A summary of operating parameters tor the Synchronous MUltipoint Inter- tace Module is contained in tables 1.0 through 6.8. Table 1.0 Physical Parameters ================================================================================ part I Size (L x W x D) Welqht I Numoer I Nomenclature I +1-0.100 Inches t (Pounds)1 ============= 5061-2403 ==============================1=======================1=========1 Modem Bypass Cable A s s ' y , N/A f N/A t :)00'1-2409 European Modem Cable ASS'y N/A I N/A I Oi640-60107 Synchronous Multipoint 12.9 x 4.0 x 0.6 I 0.50 Intertace PCA t Oi640-60131. US Modem Cable Assembly N/A N/A 02640-60132 Modem Multipoint Cable ASS'y N/A N/A 026,*0-60133 N/A U/A Ol640-60134

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