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Impedance Characteristic Evaluation of SMD by Using the ENA with Inter-Continental Microwave (ICM) Test Fixture Application Note 1463-5 With the trend of wireless communications and digital equipment operating Introduction at higher frequencies, the need to evaluate RF components under higher and wider frequencies is becoming increasingly important. Generally, an RF impedance analyzer is used for impedance measurement up to 3 GHz; however, beyond this frequency range, a network analyzer is commonly used. The network analyzer is a convenient instrument for measuring impedance over a wide frequency range, but measurement accuracy is degraded in comparison with the RF impedance analyzer1. This application note describes impedance characteristic evaluation of SMD by using the ENA RF network analyzer with the ICM test fixture. In addition, we also explain the TRL calibration procedure using the ENA with ICM test fixture (TF-3001-S), special considerations for measuring surface-mount devices (SMD), and impedance characteristic evaluation using the impedance parameter display software. 1. For information on the comparison between an impedance analyzer and a network analyzer, refer to reference application note 1369-2 2 This section describes the TRL Calibration procedure using the ENA, ICM TRL Calibration test fixture (TF-3001-S), and TRL calibration kit (TRL-3004B). Procedures Figure 1 shows the ICM test fixture mainframe (TF-3000 Series) and the calibration kit (TRL-3004B). Figure 1. Test fixture mainframe (TF-3000 Series) and calibration kit (TRL-3004B) Step 1. Setting of the ENA Before performing the TRL error correction, basic measurement parameters such as test frequency range, IFBW, power level, and measurement points should be set in advance. Please note that if you change measurement parameters such as test frequency range after performing error correction, the calibration data will be changed to compensation data, and this may degrade measurement accuracy. In the case of the ENA, once calibration data is changed to compensation data, status display "Cor", which is located

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