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MEASUREMENT CONSIDERATIONS FOR NETWORK ANALYSIS AT MILLIMETER FREQUENCIES Bob Dildine Network Measurements Division 1400 Fountain Grove Parkway Santa Rosa, CA 95401 RF & Microwave ; Measurement Symposium and Exhibition Flin- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD MEASUREMENT CONSIDERATIONS FOR NETWORK ANALYSIS AT MILLIMETER FREQUENCIES This paper discusses the considerations for making accurate vector network measurements with the HP8510 in the wa veguide bands between 26.5 G Hz and lOO G Hz. Methods of calibra- tion, including one not requiring the use of a sliding load, types of calibration standards, flange repeatability, and other factors affecting system performance will be discussed. Measurement results for a variety of devices and calibration methods will be shown at frequencies up to 100 GHz. Author: Bob Dildine, R&D Engineer, HP Network Measurements Division, Santa Rosa, Ca. BS Electrical Engineering (1967), San Diego State College and MS Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (1973), University of California, Berkeley. The author has been with HP since 1973. The majority of that time was spent as a member of a lab team developing the HP 8510 microwave network analyzer. Since 1980 he has been Project Manager for the HP 8511-8515 test sets for the HP 8510 and is currently involved with the extension of the HP 8510 to millimeter-wave frequencies. Measurement Considerations For Network Analysis At Millimeter Frequencies 4361 This paper discusses methods for making accurate System Overview millimeter-wave vector network measurements with the HP 8510 Network Analyzer in the waveguide Systematic Errors bands between 265 GHz and 100 GHz. Factors af- fecting system performance such as systematic and Calibration non-correctable errors, calibration methods, and flange performance will be discussed and measure- Non-correctable Errors ment results for a variety of devices up to 100 GHz will be shown. System Performance Measurement Examples Summary 4362 System Overview 4363 1 The system that will be described a

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