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Now downloading free:xerox 19770815 Comments On Janus Applications Software Functional Specification

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Inter-Office IVlemorandum To Distribution Date 15 Allgust 77 From Jim White (for Bob Metcalfe) Location Palo Alto Subject Comments on Janus Allplications Organization SDD/SD/CS Soft ware Functional Speci fication XEtOX SDD ARCHIVES )(EROX I have read and understood Pages _________To _________ Reviewer Date Filed on: DD- "!>otJ, This memo responds to the request for written internal comments from SOD/SD on Janus Release 1, Applications Software Functional Specification, Version 2, dated 22 July 77. Must Change Filing, Printing, Document Transfer Addressing Workstations The user should be able to address non-Janus workstations in the same way he addresses other Janus workstations to which he is connected by the Xerox Wire: by name, rather than by description. Janus should provide a directory facility by which the user (e.g., at system configuration time) can name the workstations with which he interacts and declare their types (e.g., IDM MCSTII), locations (e.g., telephone number), and default conversion parameters. Once a workstation has been so declared, the user should be allowed to designate it as the source or destination for a document transfer simply by giving its name; Janus should assume responsibility for retrieving the workstation's type and location from the directory. (For RS-232-C connections without AutoDial, Janus could then even remind the user of the telephone number to be dialed.) Careful, early attention mllst be given in OIS to how objects (e.g., files and lIsers, as well as workstations) are named within the office environment. Janus-l naming conventions should be ones that can be extended naturally to support the more complex office information systems that will follow it. Must be Discussed Filing, Printing, Document Transfer Specifying Document Transfer Participants The final paragraph on page 5 of "Manual Doclllllent Transfer" slates that one Janus workstation can orchestrate the transfer of a document between two other workstations only if one is another Janus workstation connected by the Xerox Wire and the other is a worksta

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