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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1995-04-12

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1995-04-12 free download

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r SERVICE INFORMATION FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD 2nd/3rd/4th Quarters 1995 I I Ellements of a Standards Lab Bob Pitcock/Hewlett-Packard 4. Is the required expertise available to 4. Determine what functions actually operate a standards lab? As a mini- require standards lab support. mum, you will need to consult with Introduction an expert in the field to determine 5. Perform the required calibrations. The purpose of a standards lab is to the feasibility of a lab. 6. Documentation and record retention. provide traceability from a national This article will describe the various standard to the products being manu- functions of a standards lab that you Provide Traceability Path factured. Standards lab calibrations are should consider, if you are thinking generally high level calibrations that Figure 1represents a typical traceabil- about starting a lab of your own. They ity path to a national calibration labo- are performed under controlled condi- are: tions. This should not be confused with ratory. The areas represented by the blocks must be able to show proof, by c the basic instrument maintenance or calibration services that most manufac- turing facilities provide. 1. Provide the traceability path for cali- brations to a national standard. 2. Help determine calibration require- means of a calibration certificate or other acceptable methods, of traceabil- ity to the national standard. If an ex- ments for production test equipment. ternal calibration source is used, you This article will describe the basic, non-

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