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A Calibrated Signal Simulation System Utilizing I/Q Modulation Techniques Juan Grau April 1988 RF & Microwave Measurement Symposium and Exhibition r/"~ HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD A Calibrated Signal Simulation System Utilizing I/Q Modulation Techniques Abstract: This paper describes the system, the performance and a technique for calibrating the system to improve SSB image rejection. Other issues addressed include the elimination of carrier leakage, amplitude ripple, and phase match between the I and Q modulating channels. Author: Juan Grau, R&D Engineer, HP Stanford Park Division, Palo Alto, CA. A native of Mexico, Grau has a BSEE, Rice University, 1980 and MSEE from Stanford University, 1983. At HP since 1980, he worked on the HP 8902A Measuring Receiver and the HP 8981A Vector Modulation Analyzer. 2 Outline 1. Vector Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizer NAWS) overview 2. The VAWS system a) Baseband arbitrary waveforms b) Vector signal generator c) Upconversion using vector (I/O) modulation techniques d) System capabilities 3. Applications: Simulation Domains a) Frequency domain: An EW jamming signal b) Amplitude and phase domain: A radar chirp c) I & 0 domain: Digital modulation d) Simulate transmission impairments by domain switching 4. Performance a) System errors b) Calibration c) Calibrated performance 5. Summary VAWSOO20 3 Vector Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizer VAWS Complex signal simulation from 10 to 3000 MHz applications in ... DIGITAL RADAR COMMUNICATIONS EW Arbitrary waveform generation is a powerful tool for signal simulation. The VAWS (Vector Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizer) system extends arbitrary waveform generation capabilities into the RF and microwave frequencies. Very complex types of modulation can thus be easily simulated. The range of possible applications for the system covers the Radar, EW and Telecommunications fields. 4 What is VAWS? HP-IB 0 "'

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