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Standard and CRC-4 frame testing Application Note 1211-1 1 In-service testing of 2 Mb/s digital particular signal structure to pass It is likely that the PTT/service circuits and services is greatly through the network. Although this provider will not be able to enhanced when framing is added to transparency can be useful for guarantee network performance the 2 Mb/s data. transmission of wideband signals, with unstructured 2 Mb/s traffic. In sending an unstructured signal into view of this, most private networks CCITT recommendation G.703 the network can have drawbacks. operate with the standard 2 Mb/s which defines characteristics of frame structure defined in CCITT hierarchical digital interfaces, An apparently random signal recommendations G.704 and G.706. states that for the 2 Mb/s hierarchy, cannot be monitored in-service by transmission can be bit-sequence the service provider for independent. In other words 2 Mb/s transmission errors, and it is and 64 kb/s facilities are "clear impossible to provide bandwidth channel", and do not require any grooming or switching of channels. Standard 2 Mb/s framing Frame Format

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