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Now downloading free:DENON hfe denon dn-s5000 service en

DENON hfe denon dn-s5000 service en free download

LCD Liquid crystal display TVs

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File name:hfe_denon_dn-s5000_service_en.pdf
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Original:hfe denon dn-s5000 service en 🔎
Descr: DENON CD DN-S5000 hfe_denon_dn-s5000_service_en.pdf
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File name hfe_denon_dn-s5000_service_en.pdf

For U.S.A., Canada & Europe model SERVICE MANUAL MODEL DN-S5000 TABLE TOP SINGLE CD PLAYER Some illustrations using in this service manual are slightly different from the actual set . 16-11, YUSHIMA 3-CHOME, BUNKYOU-KU,TOKYO 113-0034 JAPAN Telephone: 03 (3837) 5321 X0161V.02 MO/CDM 0302 DN-S5000 2 DISASSEMBLY (Follow the procedure below in reverse order when reassembling) 1. SLIP DISC, SLIP MAT (1) Remove a screw 69 and pull out Slip Disc and Slip Mat. . Washer 69 Slip Disc Slip Mat Slip Sheet Anti-static Sheet 2. PLATTER (1) Remove Belt from Motor Pully. (2) Remove 3 screws 60 and pull out Platter. . 60 60 Platter Belt Motor Pully 2 DN-S5000 3 3. DRIVE UNIT (1) Remove 4 screws 71 and pull out Drive Unit. (2) Disconnect Flat cable and Connector. (3) Detach Drive Unit. . Drive Unit 71 71 Connector Flat cable Drive Unit Note: Do not pull out aslant to prevent Flat cable damage. Do not fail to pull AC cord from wall outlet before disconnect the Flat cable and Connector. If AC cord is remained plugged into wall outlet, power is kept supplied in the unit, which may cause danger. 4. COVER UNIT (1) Remove 5 screws 70 and pull out Cover Unit. (2) Disconnect Connectors. (3) Detach Cover unit. . Co

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