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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1979-05-07

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1979-05-07 free download

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File name HP-Bench-Briefs-1979-05-07.pdf

*' * I :I ' SERVICE INFORMATION FROM HEWLETT-P MAYJULY lam Group Delay where d indicates the derivative of; 4 is the angular phase (radians), and f is the angular frequency than about 100 Dan Bmun (radians/sec.). Hewktt-Paekard, Mtn. View d+ and df can be further defined as As a microwave technician involved A telephone line behavet3 like a in the repair and calibration of drb limit Hewlett-Packard's microwave test pass filter, particularly if in loading is used to reduce attenua- equipment, there have been many which means that A+ (change in tion. Multiplex systems uBe very occasions when customers touring phase) and A (change in frequency) 4 sharp filters to separate one channel W s repair center have asked me, from another, and the tuned circuib in a &io receiver serve the same lters and filter- ures IF flatnew power, and group uce delay. zero) for it to be group delay. delay." We are talking about an H P The dowing down of a signal in its 3710A or 3790A Microwave Link passage through a communications Analyzer System. channel is of little importance. Delay becomes a problem only when But this article is not about the it interferes with the MLA, it's about one finction of the receiver to understand MLA and that's measure group In the case of speech, delay. And what is group delay? It is tion causes little inte synonymous with envelope delay, the ear is relatively i phase delay, or differential phase. phase variations. Fac

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