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Vizio Vizio VX42L VW42L HDTV10A [SM] free download

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Service Manual Model #: VIZIO VX42L HDTV10A / VW42L HDTV10A V, Inc 320A Kalmus Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 TEL : +714-668-0588 FAX :+714-668-9099 Top Confidential Table of Contents CONTENTS PAGE Sections 1. Features 1-1 2. Specifications 2-1 3. On Screen Display 3-1 4. Factory Preset Timings 4-1 5. Pin Assignment 5-1 6. Main Board I/O Connections 6-1 7. Theory of Circuit Operation 7-1 8. Waveforms 8-1 9. Trouble Shooting 9-1 10. Block Diagram 10-1 11. Spare parts list 11-1 12. Complete Parts List 12-1 Appendix 1. Main Board Circuit Diagram 2. Main Board PCB Layout 3. Assembly Explosion Drawing Block Diagram VIZIO VX42L/VW42L HDTV10A Service Manual VINC Service Manual VIZIO VX42L/VW42L HDTV10A COPYRIGHT

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