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Now downloading free:xerox Command.mesa Sep78

xerox Command.mesa Sep78 free download

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File name:Command.mesa_Sep78.pdf
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Size:794 kB
Model:Command.mesa Sep78 🔎
Original:Command.mesa Sep78 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_Debug Command.mesa_Sep78.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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Command.mesa 2-Sep-78 15:32:14 Page 1 Command.Mesa; Edited by: Sandman on May 2. 1978 9:26 PM Barbara on July 31. 1978 4:31 PM Johnsson on August 29. 1978 11:02 AM DIRECTORY AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs" USING [Address]. BinaryDefs: FROM "binarydefs" USING [DIGrammar]. CommandDefs: FROM "commanddefs" USING [ CommandName. GetCommandString. IDCode. WriteCommandString. WriteErrorString. WriteIDString, WriteIString]. ControlDefs: FROM "controldefs" USING [FrameHandle, GlobalFrameHandle]. DebugBreakptDefs: FROM "debugbreakptdefs" USING [ BreakPoint. ClearAllBT. ClearTextBreakPoint. ListAll. OctalBreakPoint, TextBreakPoint, TraceAll], DebugContextDefs: FROM "debugcontextdefs" USING [ AttachImageFile, DisplayConfiguration, DisplayProcess. "DisplayQueue, IncorrectVersion, ListConfigurations, ListProcesses, ResetContext, SetConfiguration. SetModuleContext. SetOctalContext. SetProcessContext. SetRootConfiguration. WhereAmI, WriteWorld], DebugData: FROM "debug data" USING [caseignoring, worrybreaks. worryentry], DebugFTPDefs: FROM "debugftpdefs" USING [CallFTP], DebuggerDefs: FROM "debuggerdefs" USING [ Display, DisplayFrame. DisplayStack. DumpCharacter. DumpVar. FormatRecord. FRPointer. LA. ModuleDump. SOPointer. SymbolObject]. DebugInterpretDefs: FROM "debuginterpretdefs" USING [ Iaddress. Iarray. Icall. Ideref. Iexpression. Ipointer. Istring]. DebugMiscDefs: FROM "debugmiscdefs" USING [ ControlDEL. coremap, DebugAbort. DebugProceed. DFreeString. DGetString. DisplayEvalStack. IgnoreComment. LookupFail. Quit. WriteCharZ. WriteEOL]. DebugUsefulDefs: FROM "debugusefuldefs". DebugUtilityDefs: FROM "debugutilitydefs" USING [ CheckFrame. CoreSwap. KillSession. LongREAD. LongWRITE. MREAD. MWRITE. UserProc. UserStart. ValidGlobalFrame]. DebugSymbolDefs: FROM "debugsymboldefs" USING [AttachSymbols]. DIActionDefs: FROM "diactiondefs" USING [ CleanUp. espTosop. EvalStackEmpty. EvalStackOverflow. FreeStackItem. GetSetUp. IncorrectType. InvalidExpression. InvalidInterval. InvalidType. NILesp. NotImplemented, NotOnEvalStack. Transfer. TypesDontMatch. TypeStackEmpty. TypeStackOverflow]. DIDefs: FROM "didefs" USING [ ESPointer. hereESPointer. InvalidCharacter. InvalidNumber. Parse. ParseError. SyntaxError. TwoParse]. DILitDefs: FROM "dilitdefs" USING [LitTabInit]. DITypeDefs: FROM "ditypedefs" USING [ SeiBoolean. SeiCardinal. SeiCharacter. SeiInteger. SeiLongInteger. SeiUnspecified. TypeString]. Inl ineDefs: FROM "inlinedefs" USING [LDIVMOD]. IODefs: FROM "iodefs" USING [ ControlD. ControlF. ControlU. CR. DEL. ESC. NUL. NumberFormat. ReadChar. ReadEditedString. ReadID, ReadLine. Rubout. SP. WriteChar. WriteDecimal. WriteNumber. WriteOctal. WriteString]. MiscDefs: FROM "miscdefs" USING [DestroyF

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