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Now downloading free:RCA RCA BD20TF10 F19426 F19436 F20TF10 TVD809 Disassembly [SM]

RCA RCA BD20TF10 F19426 F19436 F20TF10 TVD809 Disassembly [SM] free download

LCD Liquid crystal display TVs

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File name:RCA_BD20TF10_F19426_F19436_F20TF10_TVD809_Disassembly_[SM].pdf
[preview RCA BD20TF10 F19426 F19436 F20TF10 TVD809 Disassembly [SM]]
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Model:RCA BD20TF10 F19426 F19436 F20TF10 TVD809 Disassembly [SM] 🔎
Original:RCA BD20TF10 F19426 F19436 F20TF10 TVD809 Disassembly [SM] 🔎
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File name RCA_BD20TF10_F19426_F19436_F20TF10_TVD809_Disassembly_[SM].pdf

TX_TVD809 TX_TVD809 DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES CHIP COMPONENT REMOVAL Replacement Procedure for Chip Removal Note: Do not attempt to lift the component off the board Back Cover Removal 8. Raise the 2 tabs at the top of the plastic holder and The following procedures are recommended for the until the component is completely disconnected 1. Remove five screws to release the back cover. 2 pull the top of the PCB clear of the tabs. Lift the replacement of the chip components used in this unit. from the board by a twisting action. Attempting to from each side and a small Phillips screw located module straight up and out. Failure to follow these procedures may lead to damage to remove the component before it has completely among the rear audio jacks. the copper traces and pads on the printed circuit boards. been disconnected can break the copper foil on 2. Lift the back rear edge of the back cover and pull 1.Preparation for replacement the printed circuit board. back to remove. a. Soldering Iron: Use a pencil-type soldering iron using less than 30 watts. 3. Installing a chip component b. Solder Type: Eutectic Solder, Tin 63%/Lead a. Presolder the contact points on the circuit board 37%, is recommended. (Fig. 2-4).

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