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Now downloading free:HP 13255-91124 Extended Display Memory Access Module Aug76

HP 13255-91124 Extended Display Memory Access Module Aug76 free download

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Model:13255-91124 Extended Display Memory Access Module Aug76 🔎
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File name 13255-91124_Extended_Display_Memory_Access_Module_Aug76.pdf

HP 13255 EXTENDED DISPLAY MEMORY ACCESS MODULE Manual Part No. 13255-91124 PRINTED AUG-OI-76 DATA TERMINAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION ._._---- HEWLETTi:I PACKARD Printed in U.S.A. 13255 13255-91124/02 Extended OMA Module Rev AUG-01-76 1.0 INTRODUCTION. The Extended Display Memory Access (OMA) fetches characters and im~ bedded control c~des to be displayed on the screen. The Extended DMA fills a line buffer with 80 displayable characters, then trades the buffer to the Display Control and Display Timing peA's for actual dot generation. The Extended DMA has a bus controller which enables it to get characters from memory without processor intervention. 2.0 OPERATING PARAMETERS. A summary of operating parameters for the Extended DMA Module is contained in tables 1.0 through 6.0. Table 1.0 Physical Parameters ==~=================================================== ========================== Size (L x W x 0) I Weight Nomenclature ~/-O.I00 Inches I (Pounds) =============1==============================1=======================1========= 02640-60124 Extended DMA PCA 12.5 x 4.0 x 0.5 0.35 ============================================================================== Number of Backplane Slots Required: 1 ========s======================================================================= 13255 13255-91124/03 Extended DMA MOdule Rev AUG-Ol-1b Table 2.0 Reliability and Environmental Information ::===:========================================================================== Environmental: ( X ) HP Class B ( ) Other: Restrictions: Type tested at product level =::==================================================::=:::=::==:::==:::===:=: Failure Rate: 1.099 (percent per 1000 hours) ============~=================================================================== Table 3.0 Power Supply and Clock Requirements - Measured (At +1-5' Unless otherwise SpecIfied) =====:=========================================2================================= +5 Volt Supply +12 Volt Supply -12 Volt SupplY +42 Volt Supply , 640 mA

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