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TM 11-6625-2781-14&P TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR'S ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT, AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTS FOR SPECTRUM ANALYZER IP-1 21 6(P)/GR (HEWLETT-PACKARD MODEL 141T) (NSN 6625-00 424 4370) This copy is a reprint which Includes current pages from Change 1. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JUNE 1977 WARNNG NOTICE A SHOCK HAZARD MAY EXIST ON THE FAN HOUSING OR ANY METAL PART COMMON TO IT. IF ANY OF THE SERIES REGULATORS, THE TERMINAL SWITCH, OR THE FAN MOTOR ITSELF SHOULD SHORT TO TIHE FAN HOUSING, A SHOCK HAZARD WOULD EXIST. TO ELIMINATE THE POTENTIAL SHOCK HAZARD, IT IS NECESSARY TO INSTALL A GROUND WIRE FROM THE FAN HOUSING TO THE CHASSIS OF THE INSTRUMENT; PROCEED AS FOLLOWS: a. Solder one end of ground wire to the chassis side of R11, as shown at point A of the figure below. b. Install a starred washer and a ground lug 'under existing hardware, as shown at point B. c. Solder other end of ground wire to ground lug. AFTER INSTALLATION OF THE GROUND WIRE, INSURE THE FAN ASSEMBY HAS GOOD CONTINUITY TO GROUND. Parts required /one each) Wire, black, 18 awg, 8 inches Solder lug External starred washer TM 11-6625-2781-14&P C1 CHANGE HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARIMY NO. 1 WASHINGTON, DC, 11 August 1978, Operator's, Organizational, Direct Support, And General Support Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts And Special Tools Lists) For SPECTRUM ANALYZER IP- 1216(P)/GR (HEWLETT-PACKARD MODEL 141T) (NSN 6625-00-424-4370) TM 11-6625-2781-14&P, 1 June 1977, is changed as follows: 1. New or changed material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin of the page. 2. Remove and insert pages as indicated below:

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