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Now downloading free:Sanyo Sanyo DP46840 P46840-00 N7EK [SM]

Sanyo Sanyo DP46840 P46840-00 N7EK [SM] free download

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01/04/11 2010-4A SANYO TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2010 MODELS DP42840 / DP46840 / DP52440 This guide is divided into 4 sections/pages depending on type of defect: page 1) No Green LED Power Light (LED never turns "ON") page 2) Green LED Light is "ON", but Backlights are not "ON", or only turn "ON & then OFF". page 3) Green LED Light is "ON", and Backlights are "ON", but there is no video/OSD. page 4) Green LED Light turns "ON", but turns "OFF" within 10 seconds, or LED cycles ON & OFF. Please select the section/page that matches your defect and follow the flow chart. These models & chassis versions are in this guide: DP42840-00 DP42840-01 DP42840-02 DP42840-03 DP42840-04 DP42840-07 DP46840-00 DP46840-01 DP46840-02 DP46840-03 DP52440-00 DP52440-01 DP52440-02 PLEASE KEEP THIS GUIDE. IT WILL NOT BE PROVIDED FOR EVERY REPAIR. [email protected] Repair Flow Chart: Trouble Condition page 1 Green Power LED does NOT turn on. The TV is dead. Green Power LED: Does not turn ON. The TV is dead. On Main Signal Bd.: Is the "5V_STBY" voltage no: 0V supplied? (see TABLE *1.0) no: 0V Unplug (K8B) connector on Main Bd. Power Bd. is not working. On Power Bd.: Is the "5V_STBY"voltage supplied? (see TABLE *2.0) Replace "Power Bd." yes: 5V yes: 5V Replace "Main Bd." and "Wiring Harness" Confirm wire harness connection between Main Bd. & Power Bd., and confirm LED again. On Main Signal Bd.: no: 0V Is the "5V_STBY" voltage on "K8CTR pin 1" ? Main Bd. is not working. yes: 5V Replace "Main Bd". While pushing the "Power Key SW": is th

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