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Now downloading free:Iwatsu iwatsu ss-7810 05 04

Iwatsu iwatsu ss-7810 05 04 free download

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Service Manual Oscilloscope SS-7810/05/04 Introduction Thank you very much for your purchase of Iwatsu electronic measuring instruments. Please adjust or calibrate your instrument after throughly reading this service manual and understanding its contents. After reading this manual, please keep it for future reference. Cautions for safe use Matters that must be observed for operation of this instrument and for prevention of injury to humans and damage to property are described as " warnings" and " cautions" in this service manual. Explanation of " Warnings" and " Cautions" coulmns in this manual Incorrect operation or failure to need warnings may result in death Warning or serious injury. Incorrect operation or failure to need cautions may result in injury Caution or damage to equipment. Cautions Parts of the contents of this service manual may be modified without notice to accommodate improvements in performance and function. Reproduction of the contents of this service manual without previous consent is prohibited. History Jan. 2004 : Issue of the 1st edition KML045311 A1-523150(B) 0-1 Warnings Use care when servicing with power on: Dangerous voltages exist at several points in this product. To avoid personal injury, do not touch exposed connections or components while power is on. Disconnect power before removing protective panels, soldering, or replacing components. Cautions Never place a heavy substance on the power cord: It will cause an electric shock or fire. Prior to connecting or disconnecting the power cord, set the power supply to STBY: Its negligence will cause an electric shock or trouble. Use the specified AC power to operate the instrument: Use of non-specified power will cause an electric shock, fire, or trouble. The available AC power supplies are as follows: Supply voltage : 90 to 132V AC/180 to 250V AC Frequency : 48 to 440Hz Power consumption : Max. 110VA Use a 3-core power cord suitable to the supply voltage: Use of other cord will an electric shock or fire. When replacing a fuse, be sure to use our specified one ( 5 20mm, 250VA, 2A, slow): Use of other fuse will cause a fire or trouble. Do not place any substance near the air vent of this instrument or fan: It will cause a fire or trouble. Use the instrument within the specified operating range: Otherwise, it will cause a trouble. An available temperature range is as follows: Temperature : 0 to 40

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