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Now downloading free:HP 13255-91082 CTU Test Module Aug76

HP 13255-91082 CTU Test Module Aug76 free download

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File name:13255-91082_CTU_Test_Module_Aug76.pdf
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HP 132"5 CTU TF'ST MoOUt,E ~anual Part No. 132S5-910P2 PRINTF:D AUG-Ol-1fl ---------------------------------- - - ' DATA TERMINAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION ----------------------------------1 HEWLETT~PACKARD Printed in U.S.A. 13255 13255-91082/02 CTU Test Module Fev AUG-01-76 t.o INTROOUCTION. The CTU Test ~odule provides a method of verifying the operation of the CTU Transport Assembly. The CTU Tester PCA replaces the standard top plane conn~ctor used with the CTU Module PCA's. The rTU Test Modtlle provides optional manual control over tape motion and verifies record/read operations. In addition, it provides a status display and test pOint array (one test point for each siqnal line on the too plane). Circuitry is provided to monitor tape speed accuracy and to implement the stop-on-hole featnre which prevents cartridQe tape run- off in OFF LINE (local) mode. 2.0 OPERATING P~RAMETERS. A summary of operating oarameters for the CTU Test ~odule is contained in tahles 1.0 throuQh 4.1. Tahle 1.0 Physical Parameters ~~~-----------~-----~-~--~----~-~-----------------------------~-~-------------- -----------------------------~------------------~------------~------~- -~-------- Size (L x W x 0) Weight Nomenclature +/-0.100 Inches (Pounds) ------------- ------------------------------ ------~-~---- ----------~-~---~------~---~-- ------~~------~----~--- ---~-~-----------~----- --------- ~-~-----~ rTU Tester peA 6.5 x 3.6 x 2.4 0.38 ============================================================================== Number ot B~ckplane Slots RPquired: NOT APPLICABIJE ------------~---------------~--~-------~------~~------ -------------------------- ---------------------------------~-~------------------ -------------------------- HP 132"5 CTU TF'ST MonUt,E ~anual Part NO. 132S5-910~2 PRINTED AUG-Ol-7f

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